Divine Intervention & Spontaneous Remission
Two Week Training:
Sat. June 9th, 2018 9am—Sat. June 16th, 2018 5pm
Sat. July 7th, 2018 9am—Sat. July 14th, 2018 5pm
As a Divine Interventionist, you will consciously access specific dimensions and emanate precise hertz frequencies. While holding dimension and frequency, a singularity occurs. It is during this instant that the energetic system holding the devitalizing issue or disease process in physical form split. When this happens, the possibility that the body may return to its natural state of wholeness escalates radically. As a result, anything that is devitalizing and foreign to the body’s natural state emerges outside of the body or goes through spontaneous remission. In other words, a miracle occurs.
The Divine Intervention and Spontaneous Remission Program assists you in blending healing wisdom with the power of the Divine. You will learn and practice various advanced techniques that manifest phenomena and various physical plane evidences. You will find that service to others reaches new levels of physical, etheric, emotional, mental, psychic, soul and spiritual connection. Your new-found awareness will make acts that originally seemed magical and or supernatural become commonplace. Miracles become a way of life and part of your personal practice.
Investment: $6,401*
Deposit: $1,100 due by Feb. 1
(Payment Plans Available)
To Register or for Further Information Please Contact:
Dr. Suzan Rossi OR Rev. Karen Bolt
(770) 363-4419 (770) 843-3861
Dr.SuzanRossi@gmail.com KarenBolt@gmail.com
*Investment includes: Room & Board; all meals; certification & ordination,
and much more...
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